It's Just a Part of Life

It's an entirely unspecific blog, containing nothing more than the thoughts wandering through my overcluttered brain at any one time. Proceed with caution!

Saturday, August 20

I'm Bad

How bad am I? Well... I'm so bad that I didn't even go to my last day of work at Osco. Why? Because I don't want to. Because I'm a lazy bum. Because the manager that I was supposed to work with all day long was picking on me yesterday and I don't feel like being at her mercy for 8 long hours. Because I'm bad.

Here was my argument with myself:
Myself: I should really go in... I mean... it's my last day!

Me: Nah. Stay at home! Read! Knit! Watch Buffy! Clip your toenails! Anything will be better than 8 hours at Osco.

Myself: But... but... that would be wrong!

Me: How they treated you for 4 years... that was wrong!

Myself: I suppose you're right... but still... (See... I'm a bad influence on Myself)

Me: Think about it. A whole long day all to yourself. You could do anything you want!

Myself: Well... well... I guess... maybe... but-

Me: No buts!

I: Oh just stay home for cripesake!

So it was decided and so I shall. And you know what? I don't feel bad at all. Nope. Not a bit. Image hosted by


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