It's Just a Part of Life

It's an entirely unspecific blog, containing nothing more than the thoughts wandering through my overcluttered brain at any one time. Proceed with caution!

Tuesday, August 9

Oh My Back...

If you want to be my bestest friend ever then all you need to do is sign me up (and pay for) a nice spa day including a back massage because my back is killing me. You see, thanks to a certain ex who shall remain nameless and who started me on it, I crack my back. Yes, my ex boyfriend got me addicted to crack(ing my back) I'm sure you've seen (or more likely heard) someone who does that. Sits on the floor and twists and makes all sort of cracks and snaps and other fun noises from their spine. And usually it makes you feel better.

But not today. Today, while I was at work, I sat down on the floor and cracked my back because it was getting stiff. Little twist this way, crunch crack snapple pop, little twist that way, crunch pop crack crack OW! Usually I can do this without the ow, but not today. I figured that it would pass and I stood up to resume work. But now my back was spasiming. It got so bad I had to go find another employee to pound on my back for a while to get rid of the knot that had appeared. Strangely enough, a lot of people were more than happy to punch my back... hmm... It worked for a while but seriously, anyone who wants to buy me a spa package, that'd be great. I could use a pedicure too...


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