It's Just a Part of Life

It's an entirely unspecific blog, containing nothing more than the thoughts wandering through my overcluttered brain at any one time. Proceed with caution!

Tuesday, June 28

Reading Slump

My reading schedule is becoming rather dangerous. You see... I'm only 5 chapters or so into Oliver Twist and if I don't get to reading soon I won't be done with the book before the next Harry Potter comes out, which is the next book on my list to read.

The problem is that I've already read, I think, up to chapter 10, but that was last summer so I'm restarting in case I forgot anything. But rereading something is never as exciting as reading it for the first time. I just have to stick it out for a few more chapers, until everything is fresh and new and exciting.

So here's my plan for tackling the book:
Thursday: Read for 2 hours, do something else (probably knit) for 2 hours. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Sunday/Monday: Same as above. Possibly read at the pool.

I WILL have it done by July 16th. I HAVE to have it done by then.


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