It's Just a Part of Life

It's an entirely unspecific blog, containing nothing more than the thoughts wandering through my overcluttered brain at any one time. Proceed with caution!

Thursday, June 9

Summer Reading

Well, for those of you who are steady readers of my blog, and I think there are maybe... 2 or 3 of you out there, you already know that I'm a Victorian Literature major. So it only makes sense that summer is my time to get all of my long neglected reading done. So here's my reading list for this summer, in order of how I plan to read them:

Treasure Island *
Oliver Twist *
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Middlemarch *
Lady Audley's Secret *
Emma *
Mary Barton *
Tess of the D'Urbervilles *
Pride and Prejudice *

* Book is from Victorian Era

I'm already more than halfway through Treasure Island, though I haven't been reading it regularly. I need to get into the habit of reading a bit, knitting a bit, exercising a bit, and otherwise balancing my day. As it is I've only been knitting and exercising, without any time for reading.

If you're interested in seeing what's so exciting about Victorian Literature, or just looking for some good books to read by the pool, I suggest:
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Jane Eyre
Great Expectations

I've listed them in order of ease of reading. Dorian Gray can be a little long winded in parts, but the story makes up for in tenfold. Jane Eyre is lower on the list because it is long, but it is a wonderfully entertaining read.


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