It's Just a Part of Life

It's an entirely unspecific blog, containing nothing more than the thoughts wandering through my overcluttered brain at any one time. Proceed with caution!

Monday, February 7

Pip and Oliver

I've been debating things for a long while, since I visited Las Vegas over New Years, and I've finally bought myself a fish tank. It's very cute, just 10 gallons, but nicely decorated. And at the moment it's home to two tiny little fantail goldfish. Pip, who is named after the hero of Charles Dickens' wonderful story Great Expectations, is a black fantail with a silver chest. Oliver, named after Oliver Twist, is a calico fantail. He's mostly white, with some dark orange and black speckles. They're about half an inch long each and are just too adorable, swimming around in this tank that, compaired to their size, is mammoth.

The tank is new and they say to wait 24 hours before putting any fish in, but I was impatient and put them in early. So... if they're alive in the morning I'll consider myself, and them, very lucky.

I'm watching them right now, they seem to like sticking together in the lefthand corner by the little decorative tree stump that I put in. Oliver has the cutest little Buddha belly, he needs fishy Atkins. But he'll only get fatter, I have every intention of spoiling my little aquatic pals.

On the downside... I think I'm getting strep throat. I've got this annoying twinge in the back of my throat and it feels all swollen and just not fun. I can't get sick! It's been nearly 3 years since I got sick! I can't ruin that record. Ah well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I'll know by morning. That's all for tonight. I'll post pictures of my little buddies as soon as I hae a chance to take a few of them. Until next time, I leave you with an assignment.

Read a poem. Short, long, funny, sad, sappy, heart wrenching, it doesn't matter what kind. Here are a few suggestions:

First Fig
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
We Are Seven
Goblin Market
The Raven
The Lady of Shallot
Porphyria's Lover
Kubla Khan

Find a poem and read it. Don't be intimidated by poetry, it can be the simpliest and most complex thing to read at the same time. Just give it a try, find a poem or take one of the ones listed above, give it a read and see what you think. You might be amazed at how enjoyable it is.


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